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Why I love The INFP (as an INFJ)

Hey, y'all and Happy Sunday! I wanted to start this series off with one of my favorite personality types, the INFP. One of my best friends is an INFP and I absolutely adore her. I know a few INFPs and they are amazing too. The INFP is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. They only make up about 4% of the population and their dominant function is Fi (introverted feeling). Here are some of my favorite things about the INFP.

1. They are great listeners.

If I ever need to rant about a problem (which is rare), I will always turn to an INFP friend. They will sit there and just listen to you talk and then give you solid advice when you need it. If you don't want their advice, they won't force it on you, but will kindly smile and hug you.

2. They are honest with you, even if you don't like what they are saying.

If an INFP friend sees you acting out of line or if you do something that they don't like, they will tell you. They might not say it loudly or rudely, but they will make sure you are aware of whatever you have done wrong. To me, it sometimes seems like a negative, but all in all, my INFP friend has saved me quite a few times with these wise warnings.

3. Their randomness.

They will say the most random things at the most random times ( at least the ones I know). It may not always be the best timing to point out the things they do, but it is usually hilarious.

4. Their magic.

Like INFJs, INFPs live in their own fantasy world inside of their heads. I love how wrapped up they get fantasy and magic. They have this whimsical aura about them that just makes everyone feel so at peace. I love watching them become ecstatic over a new book idea or just a sketch of a dragon.

5.  They are so laid back.

As perceivers, INFPs are very go with the flow. They always seem so chill with everything that happens. They take time to just dream and create. They don't ever seem to be in a huge rush.

These are just a few of the many reasons I love INFPs. I am so excited that I was able to start off this series with this unique personality type. Make sure to come back tomorrow for the next post, Why I Love INTPs (as an INFJ).

Thank you for visiting my blog and God bless!

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