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How I Feel About the INTJ (as an INFJ)

Hey, y'all! Sorry I have been falling behind lately with my posting. I know that I have been very inconsistent and I am sorry for that. I just got my laptop back, as it has been broken.  Today I will be discussing the INTJ. I am close to two INTJs, one of which is my cousin and the other being one of my teachers. I very much enjoy INTJs. I tend to get along with them pretty well, most likely being because they are introverted intuitives. I tend to gravitate towards that personality group. As an INFJ, I share my main cognitive function with this type, which is Ni, or introverted intuition. I personally enjoy being around this type very much and appreciate having them in my life. Here are a few things I like about the INTJ. 1. They tend to have a small group of close friends.  The INTJs I know tend to keep to themselves. When they are not alone, they are with a very small group of people. They don't seem to feel the need to bother with all of the other people around them, especially if it involves drama or small talk. They don't come across as to have time for petty and pointless things. 2. They are extremely smart.  The two that I am close to are brilliant and exceptionally cunning, and people don't always realize it. I have noted them to be "lovers of learning and collectors of knowledge". They tend to enjoy reading and researching things. Things that bother me about INTJs 1. They are extremely blunt.  I very much so appreciate honesty and I believe in always telling the truth. But sometimes, INTJs can be a bit too honest. There are some times when things are better left unsaid, but unsaid isn't in the INTJs vocabulary 😂. They do not like to keep their opinions to themselves and if they do not like something, they make sure that you know.  2. They push people away.  In the words of my INTJ cousin, "We're awful at expressing our emotions and instead of opening up to people when we're sad or upset, we keep it in and try to deal with it on our own". As an INFJ, I tend to want to help people solve their problems, and it is hard for me when people don't want my help (that is more of a me issue I guess 😂).  Like I said before, I will try to keep my posting to every week on Thursday. Thank you for visiting my blog and God bless!!

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