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How I Feel About the ESTJ (as an INFJ)

Hey Guys! Happy Thursday!! I just wanted to let y'all know that I am trying to get on a regular posting schedule, hopefully posting once a week. Classes and extracurricular activities have started back, which means my schedule has been quite busy as of late. I will let you guys know when I officially decide what day of the week I will be posting. 😊  Today, I want to talk about the ESTJ. I have a somewhat limited view of this type, as I only know two. One of the two is a teenager and the other is a senior adult, so there are many differences in the way they act. My grandmother, whom I am very close to, is an ESTJ. Here are a few things I love about the ESTJ. 1. They are reliable. ESTJs are extremely reliable. I can always count on the ESTJs in my life to remember things and to tell me the truth about a situation. They are very honest also, so you can trust that they will tell you the truth about things, even if it may not be what you want to hear. 2. They are VERY organized. The ESTJ is an expert organizer. They have a place for everything and know where EVERYTHING is at all times. Unless of course, you moved their stuff. Then they get stressed out. 😂 Do not move the ESTJ's stuff. They are amazing at leading a group and giving everyone an equal amount of work to do, then they make sure that everyone is doing their job.  Things that I'm Not a Huge Fan Of 1. They tend to look at a person's external appearance first, rather than what is inside. ESTJ's tend to look at the external appearance of a person. They are very direct about how they feel about a person's appearance. This can come in handy while asking them if you look okay for the day, but it is not the best thing otherwise.  2. They never relax. This is not a problem I have with them, but it worries me that it will be a problem for the ESTJ themself. They tend to not take time for themselves and they are constantly doing things. They will keep going until they break and then they will try to keep going even after that until someone or something stops them. I worry about the ones that I know often.  I hope you enjoyed my opinion on the ESTJ. Thank you for visiting my blog and God Bless!!

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