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35 Things to do While in Quarantine

Hey, y'all! I hope that you are doing well! (or as well as you can with the world so crazy 😂). My school has all been online for the past week, and honestly, everything has been quite overwhelming. I have been enjoying not really having to interact with people, and not having to leave the house, but it is kind of difficult being locked up for such a long time. I have had my fair share of work, but I have also come up with a few ideas of fun things to do while you are locked in your house 😂. Here are some of my ideas: 1. Organize your closet 2. Make friendship bracelets 3. Go for a walk 4. Lay in your backyard and watch the clouds 5. Create a blog (or write a ton of posts for a future date 😊). 6. Take a LONG shower 7. Clean your room 8. Rearrange your furniture 9. Watch TED talks 10. Plan out future outfits 11. Study a book of the Bible that you haven't really focused on before 12. Write a song (or a full album) 13. Read a book 14. Write a letter to your future self 15. Bake cookies 16. Use one of your many bath bombs 17. Bullet journal 18. Try yoga 19. Begin a workout routine 20. Plant an herb garden  21. Find and listen to a new podcast 22. Clean out your junk drawer 23. Create a vision board 24. Do random research 25. Organize your bathroom 26. Facetime friends (or acquaintances you want to know better) 27. Have an indoor picnic with your family 28. Make random healthy snacks  29. Improve skin care routine 30. Cook a meal 31. Write and mail your friends letters/care packages  32. Organize your Google Calendar 33. Make use of Disney + 34. Give yourself a manicure 35. WASH YOUR HANDS  I hope that you are all staying safe during these worrisome times. Love y'all! Thank you for visiting my blog and God bless!!

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